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The head of Sony Worldwide Studios, explained why PS5 was not shown

Sony, as you know, at a special event talked about PlayStation 5 and showed the game lineup to appear on the console. The company introduced a new DualShock controller 4 with touch panel and other new features, stereo cameras PlayStation 4 Eye, but the new video game console has never been demonstrated. The head of Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios Syuhey Yoshida (Shuhei Yoshida) explained why.

The thing is that the company has saved up a number of announcements for a later date, wanting to leave the opportunity to present something new later - otherwise the fans would get bored before the console reaches the market. Like it or not, but in the words of Mr. Yoshida is the logical thing to do. In the end, it is only after a few months that E3 exhibition will start, at which time it is certain new official details and PS5 console hardware will be shown.

Regarding the announcement of the Sony DualShock 5 Director said that the controller is the key idea behind the design of PS5. In addition, in the event the company has touched the user interface of the new console, so to be shown and a new controller, especially since the advent of the Share button on it, designed to speed up the process of sharing content with friends and other players on the internet.

As for the plans at Sony E3 20203 in June, Syuhey Yoshida said that the announcement of further details on the PS5 at the exhibition is possible, and by that time Sony is hoping to reach the final specifications and design of the system. However, he added that the company does not yet have precise plans or dates of the new announcement.